09:00am – 05:00pm

Monday to Friday

Driving under influence

DUI (drunk driving or driving under the influence) is a common offense and it can happen to you, as it happens to many others from all backgrounds. When it happens, you need an experienced DUI Lawyer.

In some cases, the implications of a DUI conviction can be more far reaching than that of a felony conviction. So it is of utmost importance to hire an experienced attorney.

Many people initially react this way: “Why fight the case, I was drinking and driving.” Don’t give in to the temptation to think like this. As bad as your situation may seem, there may be defenses to a DUI criminal case that you are unaware of.  Florida DUI laws are very complicated. Just because you were arrested for drunk driving does not mean you are guilty, even if you failed a field sobriety test.
Furthermore, not every arrest for DUI is justified. There may be grounds to file a motion to dismiss or to suppress evidence illegally obtained by the police. If successful, those motions can result in a dismissal of the charges against you. Allow us as a qualified attorney to give you a fighting chance.

Contact immigration attorney Yveline Paul at +1 786 282 5019 for assistance with your criminal defense needs.
